Training in the ATFS-400-25 human centrifuge provides an alternative, realistic, G on demand and sustained high G flight environment that allows pilots to maintain requisite G Tolerance and G Readiness without the use of a live aircraft.


Training in the ATFS-400-25 human centrifuge provides an alternative, realistic, G on demand and sustained high G flight environment that allows pilots to maintain requisite G Tolerance and G Readiness without the use of a live aircraft.

Acceleration Physiology Training Overview

This training program includes both academic instruction and flights in our ATFS-400 to train pilots to endure the High G environment. Flights of increasing G levels, including flights where the Pilot is in direct control, allows realistic G training in a flight environment. Pilots are monitored and coached in proper AGSM techniques until required G levels are attained. NASTAR Center G-training is conducted using our ATFS-400 or at your location using your centrifuge.

Acceleration Physiology Training Overview

High-G and Acceleration Training

Acceleration Course (2 Day Program)

This course provides aeromedical training and physiological aspects of high G flight. This course provides the background information to conduct high G training for pilots of high performance aircraft. Instruction covers the physiology of High G training, Acceleration Physics, Acceleration Physiology, G-Induced Loss of Consciousness (GLOC), the Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM), Stresses That Reduce G Tolerance, Physical Conditioning, Health and Wellness. Academic course and Centrifuge Flights and Operations demonstrations utilizing a high performance human centrifuge.

Centrifuge Operation Safety Course (1 Day Program)

This course provides information to Centrifuge Operators on Safety, Training, Personnel & Roles, Control Room operations, Recovery Room operations, Preflight and Postflight & Debrief procedures, Emergencies & Emergency Pilot Egress. Academic course and Centrifuge Operations demonstrations utilizing a high performance human centrifuge.

Altitude and Hypoxia Awareness Training


For more information or to schedule military aviation training at the NASTAR Center please call 215-355-9100, ext. 1287 or visit our contact page below.

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